2022 AZ Hive build project- Introduction

I have been fascinated by the Slovenian AZ hive nearly as long as I have kept bees. I was intrigued by this design which touted less disturbance to the bees and therefore generally a gentler beekeeping experience. I also liked the idea of a hive that involved less lifting than the US standard langstroth hive. And, naturally, my slovenian heritage lended to more intrigue than some other hive designs (top bar, layens) that accomplish many of the same things.

When I began beekeeping I got all langstroth equipment, and this would be my recommendation for anyone new beekeeper, at least in the United States. It is just a lot easier to learn on the equipment format that is so readily available and that all of your peers are using. After I gained a few years of experience I felt like I had learned the nuances of beekeeping at a more macro level and was ready to try a new experiment. I’m creating a series of posts over the coming year that will chronicle this experiment.

I’ll go through the design and build of my first hive in the winter of 2022, introduction of bees in the spring, and build up of the colony throughout the beekeeping year.

Welcome to Mayhew Bees and Honey

Welcome to my site and to my blog on beekeeping. As you browse the site you will find access to all of the goods and services that we have from this fascinating hobby the I started in 2020. I hope you enjoy our products. I wanted to use the blog as a space to just talk about beekeeping (or other topics), give ideas on how I am doing things in my yard, and plans to make equipment or supplies that you might want to use in your bee yard. If there’s only one thing I’ve learned in my short time as a beekeeper; it is that there is certainly more than one way to do something and pretty much none of them are universally right or universally wrong. This can be really frustrating for a new beekeeper because the conflicting information can get really overwhelming, really fast. So if you’re a new beekeeper- take a deep breath and don’t worry so much. There are a lot of ways to manage your bees and you need to feel out what feels right to you. When I talk about something in the blog its not the only way you can do something.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this space to read about my experiences and discuss all things beekeeping. If you would like to see a post about a certain topic, shoot me a message on the contact form and I will get right back with you and hopefully will be able to write about it as well.