
The new year is a time to reflect on the year past and look forward to the year to come. Last year I decided to make goals for my beekeeping and tack that sheet up in my work shop to remind what I wanted to accomplish and to help stay on track. I was pleased to accomplish the vast majority of those goals especially the goals for amount of honey produced and number of hives that my apiary expanded.

A few weeks ago I sat down and wrote out a new set of goals for 2024. I have again set goals to aggressively expand in the number of hives managed and the amount of honey produced. One thing that I noted during the 2023 season was the overwhelming popularity of comb honey products. I am planning to produce much, much more comb honey this year. If you aren’t familiar with comb honey products, look for my upcoming blog post regarding these special treats.

I also plan to double the amount of nucleus colonies sold. If you are interested in starting as a beekeeper, this is great way to start. Also a quick way to expand your apiary or replace your colonies that did not survive the winter.

Natalie is also looking to expand her “Natalie’s Naturals” line of cosmetic products. Look for these items on sale on the website, at our farmer’s market booth, or on etsy.

I am looking forward to a great year of growth and learning at Mayhew Honey and I wish you and your family a happy and prosperous 2024.